
class surface_poly_fit.core.MongeJetFitter[source]

Bases: MongeJetFitter

Fits Monge polynomial to PolyhedralSurface patch vertices.

FittingBasisType Descriptions

The MongeJetFitter.fit_at_vertex() and MongeJetFitter.fit_all() methods take a fit_basis_type argument which specifies how the polynomial fitting coordinate system (fitting-basis) is calculated for a polyhedral-surface-patch:


Uses Principal Component Analysis of the patch coordinates with the smallest component assigned to the \(z\) direction and the largest component the \(x\) direction.


Use the vertex-normal as the polynomial fitting coordinate system \(z\) direction.


Use mean of all surface-patch vertex-normals as the polynomial fitting coordinate system \(z\) direction.


Use a Gaussian-weighted-mean of all surface-patch vertex-normals as the polynomial fitting coordinate system \(z\) direction. The sigma used for calculating the Gaussian weights is num_rings / 3.0.


Use a Gaussian-weighted-mean of all surface-patch vertex-normals as the polynomial fitting coordinate system \(z\) direction. The sigma used for calculating the Gaussian weights is MongeJetFitter.ring_normal_gaussian_sigma.

Fitting Result Array Field Definitions

The MongeJetFitter.fit_at_vertex() and MongeJetFitter.fit_all() return a numpy structured array with fields:

“vertex_index” (numpy.int64)

The index of the vertex at which polynomial fitting was performed.

“degree_monge” (numpy.uint8)

The degree of the Monge polynomial (converted from the fitting polynomial).

“degree_poly_fit” (numpy.uint8)

The degree of the fitting polynomial.

“num_rings” (numpy.int64)

The number of ring neighbours defining the polynomial fitting coordinates.

“num_fitting_points” (numpy.int64)

The number of neighbour coordinates (neighbours) in the “num_rings” neighbourhood. This is the number of coordinates used to fit the polynomial.

“poly_fit_condition_number” (numpy.float64)

The polynomial fitting matrix condition number.

“pca_eigenvalues” (numpy.float64)

A (3,) shaped array. If MongeJetFitter.PCA is used for the fitting basis determination, then these are the eigenvalues of the principal component analysis (otherwise all values are numpy.nan).

“poly_fit_basis” (numpy.float64)

A (3, 3) shaped rotation matrix, indicating the orientation of the polynomial fitting coordinate-system (basis).

“poly_fit_residual_stats” (numpy.dtype)

A struct containing statistics on the polynomial fitting residual values. See residual stats description.

“poly_fit_bounding_area” (numpy.dtype)

A struct containing info about 2D bounding areas of the fitting coordinates. See bounding area description.

“origin” (numpy.float64)

A (3,) shaped array indicating the Monge polynomial origin coordinate. The Monge polynomial intersects this coordinate. Note that the “vertex_index” coordinate is the origin of the fitting-coordinate-system.

“direction” (numpy.float64)

A (3, 3) shaped rotation matrix R, where columns R[:, 0] and R[:, 1] are the principal curvature directions, and where R[:, 2] is outward facing and orthogonal to R[:, 0] and R[:, 1].

“k” (numpy.float64)

A (2,) shaped array of the principal curvature magnitudes.

“b” (numpy.float64)

A (4,) shaped array, b[0] and b[3] are the directional derivatives of k[0] and k[1] along their respective curvature line. b[1] and b[2] are the directional derivatives of k[0] and k[1] along the other curvature lines.

“c” (numpy.float64)

A (5,) shaped array of higher order derivatives of curvature.

The “poly_fit_residual_stats” structure contains residual statistics and has fields:

“min” (numpy.float64)

Minimum residual value.

“max” (numpy.float64)

Maximum residual value.

“mean” (numpy.float64)

Mean residual value.

“median” (numpy.float64)

Median residual value.

“min_abs” (numpy.float64)

Minimum absolute residual value.

“max_abs” (numpy.float64)

Maximum absolute residual value.

“mean_abs” (numpy.float64)

Mean absolute residual value.

“median_abs” (numpy.float64)

Median absolute residual value.

“stdd” (numpy.float64)

Standard deviation residual value.

The “poly_fit_bounding_area” structure has 2D bounding area info in fields:

“rectangle_min_side_length” (numpy.float64)

Minimum oriented bounding rectangle smallest side length.

“rectangle_max_side_length” (numpy.float64)

Minimum oriented bounding rectangle largest side length.

“circle_radius” (numpy.float64)

Minimum bounding circle radius.

“ellipse_min_radius” (numpy.float64)

Minimum oriented bounding ellipse smallest radius.

“ellipse_max_radius” (numpy.float64)

Minimum oriented bounding ellipse largest radius.


__init__(self, poly_surface[, ...])



Convert the result_array record array to a point-data dict suitable for meshio.Mesh.point_data.

fit_all(self, num_rings, fit_basis_type)

Fits a polynomial surface to the neigbourhoods of all vertices.

fit_at_vertex(self, vertex_index, num_rings, ...)

Fits a polynomial surface to the neigbourhood of vertices of vertex with index vertex_index.


Returns a dict which can be used as meshio.Mesh.field_data.


Return a meshio.Mesh version of the surface with point-data assigned from the result_array.








An int indicating the degree of the Monge polynomial.


An int indicating the degree of the fitting polynomial.


An int indicating the minimum number of points (vertex coordinates) required to fit a polynomial of degree degree_poly_fit.


Polynomial patch vertex fitting performed on this PolyhedralSurface .


The sigma float value used to calculate Gaussian weights when determining the polynomial fitting basis \(z\) direction.